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The VCLA Agency (Vibe Check Los Angeles) and AGL Digital Corp. place the highest value on safeguarding the privacy of all users who visit our website, (https:/ To this end, we have created this privacy policy to inform you about the collection, usage, sharing, and protection of your personal information when using our website.


By accessing our website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms outlined in this policy. If you do not agree with the terms outlined, we ask that you refrain from using our website.

For privacy-related inquiries or concerns, please reach out to:

Information Collection

When using our Website, you may choose to provide us with certain personally identifiable information about yourself (PII). Additionally, we may collect data regarding your usage of the Website, which is not considered PII (Aggregate Information). To give you an idea of what we might collect, we've listed some categories below along with examples of information in each category. Please note that not all the information listed in the examples is considered PII. We only collect PII that you voluntarily provide to us, excluding your IP address.

  • Profile Information (Name, company, phone number, email, mailing address)

  • Technical Data (IP address, web browser, and webpages visited on our Website)

  • Request Details (information regarding your attendance or inquiry about an event, inquiry about our services, or any other inquiries made through our Website)


How We Use Your Information

We employ the personally identifiable information (PII) collected via our Website for the following purposes:

  • Website administration and maintenance,

  • Marketing and advertising initiatives,

  • Recruitment activities,

  • Client service provisions,

  • Compliance with legal obligations,

  • Corporate transactions 


  • Any other purposes, as per your expressed consent.


We do not sell, distribute, lease or transfer your PII to any third party, unless explicitly stated in this Notice.


We may share your PII under the following circumstances:

Sharing with AGL Digital Corp. Affiliates: We may share your PII with members of the AGL family in order to provide the services you have requested or authorized, and to facilitate the management and functionality of our Website.

  • Sharing with Third Parties for Business Purposes or Legal Requirements: We may share your information with third parties for business purposes or as per legal requirements, such as:

  • Compliance with laws and regulations,

  • Responding to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal proceedings,

  • Protecting the safety and welfare of individuals,

  • Protecting our property, services, and legal rights,

  • Merger and acquisition proceedings, and Supporting our internal audit, compliance, and governance operations.

  • We may use Aggregate Information for the following purposes:

  • Enhancing your Website experience,

  • Customizing, measuring, and improving our Website and services,

  • Research activities, and Keeping you informed about our services and updates.

  • We may share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information with third parties, such as business partners, in an anonymous form that does not enable the recipient to identify you.


Partners or Linked Websites

We offer links to other websites for informational purposes, to provide additional services, or for your convenience through separate websites and, in some cases, apps connected to our website (Linked Websites). These Linked Websites are not subject to the policies outlined in this Notice and operate independently from our website. We have formed partnerships with some websites, but have no control or influence over their content or operations. We don't review or endorse the information, software, products, or services offered on the Linked Websites, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies. If you decide to access any of the Linked Websites, you do so at your own risk. To ensure your privacy and security, it's recommended that you review each brand's privacy and security standards directly.


  • Data Collected by Hotjar: We use Hotjar on our website to better understand how our visitors interact with our site. Hotjar may collect certain data from your device and browser, including mouse movements, clicks, scroll behavior, and keystrokes. Additionally, Hotjar may collect technical information about your device, browser, and operating system. We do not collect personally identifiable information through Hotjar.

  • Purpose of Data Collection: We use the data collected by Hotjar to improve the user experience on our website, optimize content, and increase conversions. We analyze the data to identify issues and opportunities for improvement. We use this information to make changes to our website to enhance your experience.

  • User Consent: By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of data by Hotjar as described in this privacy policy. Moreover, to obtain further details about how Hotjar utilizes your data, please refer to their privacy policy available at: If you do not want Hotjar to collect data on your use of our website, you can opt-out of Hotjar tracking by visiting the following link: Please note that opting out of Hotjar tracking may affect your experience on our website.


To protect the information we collect, we've implemented robust security measures, both physically and electronically, as well as manage them effectively in accordance with legal standards. Your personal information is securely stored on our servers located in the United States, and we're committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We regularly evaluate our privacy policies and procedures, taking all necessary precautions to ensure their effectiveness, and fully comply with laws aimed at safeguarding your personal information.


Cookie Policy

This website uses Google Analytics, a service from Google, Inc., to collect information about your use of the website through cookies. Your IP address is included in the information collected by the cookies. Google stores and processes the information in the United States and uses it to provide analysis of the website's usage and traffic. To opt out of Google Analytics, you can download the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. By using this website, you consent to the use of Google Analytics and understand how it uses cookies to collect information. You also have the option to accept or decline cookies in your web browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your settings to decline them. The location of the setting to change or delete cookies varies by browser and can usually be found in the settings or help tabs.


Do Not Track Signals

When you visit websites, your browser has the capability to send out signals and requests, indicating your desire to not be tracked or monitored. These signals, known as Do Not Track, require a deliberate choice on your part to activate them. Unfortunately, websites are under no obligation to accept these signals and many choose not to comply. At this moment, this website does not acknowledge or honor Do Not Track signals or requests.


Individual Data Protection Rights

The personal information (PII) collected through our Website will only be utilized for the stated purpose and in accordance with this Notice. Once the PII is no longer necessary, it will be disposed of according to our records retention and destruction policy.

Several jurisdictions, such as California, Canada, and the European Economic Area (through the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)), grant individuals specific rights in regards to their PII. To exercise these rights, please reach out to us at or through the other contact information provided on this page. The following rights, as provided by the GDPR and the California Consumer Protection Law, are examples of individual rights:

  • Information on the control and processing of your PII.

  • Access to and a copy of the PII we maintain about you.

  • Correction of the PII we maintain about you.

  • Erasure of the PII we maintain about you (often referred to as the right to be forgotten).

  • Objection to the use of your PII for direct marketing purposes.

  • Restriction of our use of the PII we maintain about you.

  • Transfer of the PII we maintain about you to another entity.

  • Objection to our use of the PII we maintain about you.

  • Objection to automated decision-making or automated profiling.

  • Origin of the PII we maintain about you.

  • Receiving the same products or services (to the extent possible) at the same price, regardless of whether you exercise your individual rights under this Notice.

  • Withdrawing previously provided consent (this right may only be available prospectively).

  • Filing a complaint with us or the appropriate government entity.

To protect the confidentiality of your information, we may require verification of your identity before exercising your individual rights.


International Data Transfer and Processing of Personal Information

The processing and storage of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) received through our Website occurs in the United States. In the event that you are providing such information from an international location, you acknowledge and agree that the transfer, storage, and utilization of this information will take place in the United States.


Protection of Minors' Personal Information

Our Website does not intentionally collect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from individuals under the age of 18 (minors). In the event that we become aware of any collection of PII from minors without the prior consent of their parent or legal guardian, we will take appropriate measures to promptly remove such information.


Adherence to EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Principles

We have fully embraced the principles of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield and integrated them into our data protection practices and procedures. Our commitment to these standards is evident through our successful self-certification under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield program. For further information on our implementation of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield, please refer to our Privacy Shield Policy, or to learn more about the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield framework, visit


Privacy Shield

The VCLA Agency is committed to adhering to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as established by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Privacy Shield). Our Privacy Shield Policy outlines our approach to complying with the principles outlined by Privacy Shield, including the collection, use, and protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) obtained from European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.


In the event of any discrepancy between this policy and the Privacy Shield principles, the latter shall prevail. Our Privacy Shield Policy applies to all PII that is transferred from the EEA and Switzerland to the U.S. and is linked directly or indirectly to an individual.

In addition to this policy, we have implemented additional measures to ensure the secure transfer of data, including the use of Standard Contract Clauses. For more information about Privacy Shield, please visit


Principles protecting individual’s choice and privacy

The VCLA Agency is committed to informing individuals about the personal information (PII) we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and how to contact us regarding privacy concerns. Our commitment is reflected through this Policy, the Privacy Notice, and direct communication with individuals.


For human resources administration, including recruitment, we collect and process PII of our personnel in accordance with the Privacy Shield framework. We also collect PII from our customers to provide them with services.

We only collect PII that is permitted under the Privacy Shield framework and obtain consent for the collection, use, or transfer of sensitive information, such as a Social Security Number, through customer agreements, the employment relationship with employees, and similar documents.


In the event that we plan to use PII for additional or different purposes than previously communicated, we will provide notice and, as appropriate, obtain consent.


Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

We take steps to ensure that any third-party recipients of PII are subject to strict obligations of confidentiality and privacy protection. Our policy is to not disclose PII to third parties, unless one of the following exceptions applies:

  • The individual has provided explicit consent for the disclosure;

  • The disclosure is required by lawful request from a public authority;

  • The disclosure is mandated by applicable law;

  • The disclosure is related to the sale, merger, or other transfer of all or part of our business;

  • The information was publicly available prior to the disclosure;

  • The disclosure is reasonably necessary to establish, defend, or enforce our legal rights;

  • The disclosure is made to a The VCLA Agency entity or a third party providing services on our behalf or to our customers, provided that the recipient is bound by privacy protections that are consistent with the original purpose for collecting the information and the principles of the Privacy Shield framework.


Responsibility and PII Transfer Management

In accordance with our Privacy Policy and Privacy Shield framework, The VCLA Agency is committed to protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) during transfer to third-party controllers. In the event of such a transfer, the third-party recipient must be in compliance with any notifications and consents provided by the individual, and must provide contractual assurance that the PII will only be processed for specified purposes in accordance with the individual's consent. The third-party recipient must also maintain a level of protection that meets or exceeds the standards set forth in our Privacy Policy and Privacy Shield. In the event that the third-party recipient is unable to comply with these requirements, The VCLA Agency will take reasonable and appropriate steps to prevent or cease such processing.

For agents providing services on behalf of The VCLA Agency, PII covered by Privacy Shield will only be transferred as necessary to complete the service. The agent must only process the PII for limited and specified purposes, and must provide a level of protection that meets or exceeds the standards set forth in our Privacy Policy and Privacy Shield. The VCLA Agency will take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure the agent's compliance with these requirements and will take action to stop and remediate unauthorized processing if notified by the agent.

The VCLA Agency will protect PII in accordance with Privacy Shield regardless of the jurisdiction in which the PII resides or originates, although some jurisdictions may have privacy laws that offer different levels of protection. The VCLA Agency remains liable under Privacy Shield in the event that an agent processes PII in a manner inconsistent with Privacy Shield, unless The VCLA Agency is not responsible for the cause of the damage.


The VCLA Agency complies with EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield and is subject to investigation and enforcement by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The agency has established policies and procedures to monitor its compliance, and has a process for addressing questions and concerns. Employees who violate the privacy policy may face disciplinary action. If a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved internally, it may be handled by EU or Swiss data protection authorities, JAMS, or by a binding arbitration panel created by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission.


Information Subject to Other or Additional Policies.

The following information is in compliance with the established Privacy Shield Principles for the handling of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). However, it is to be noted that some information may be governed by separate policies that may vary from the overarching policies outlined in this

Notice or Policy Changes

The terms outlined in this Notice are subject to change at the discretion of the organization. Any deviations from the current usage of personally identifiable information (PII) will be promptly communicated through updates to this Notice on our official Website. Your acceptance of these modifications is implied through the continued usage of our Website following the posting of said changes.



This Policy may be subject to revision from time to time. Revisions will be posted in the form of an updated version of the policy. Any personal information previously collected will be governed by the amended policy, provided that such revisions do not diminish the rights of the concerned individuals. Our commitment to comply with the Privacy Shield framework will remain unchanged, and any amendments to this policy will be in alignment with the Privacy Shield principles.

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